A slightly quieter February for us, as we have been taking it easy, running clubs as normal and creating lots of art. Here is what we've been up to...
Please VOTE for us!
First and foremost, as you may know by now we got through to the finals of the Smiley Charity Film Awards! The exposure of this award could have monumental impacts to us in terms of support, so we would absolutely LOVE to win. Not to mention that the film is so special and Director Joe Simmons deserves recognition!
The award ceremony takes place on the Wednesday 20th March. We're not sure when voting closes, so please don't hesitate to put in your vote now.
There are two awards - The Peoples Choice (THAT'S YOU!) and also the Judges Choice.
Philip and Ann's Birthday Lunch!
We had the very special birthdays of Ann and Philip this month, so they decided to do a joint lunch out to the Blues Kitchen, then back to Arts for All for cake that Ann brought for everyone!
The National Portrait Gallery
As we have been focusing on some famous artists like Monet and Picasso recently, we decided to take the adults down to see them in real life at the National Portrait Gallery. We looked closely at the techniques and colours used by the artists, so they can paint their own versions.
Art Club Snaps!
Here are some snaps from our clubs this month.
Art and Soul Club
We went to see our friends over at the Art and Soul Club at St Peters Bethnal Green, who are a local church welcoming anybody from the local community to their art sessions on Wednesdays.
Coming up...
We have a couple more birthdays to celebrate in March, as well as the Smiley Film Awards, and plenty more fun! Stay tuned for the March newsletter...